Jun 6Liked by Maarten Boudry

This is so wild!!!!! Your take is so completely nuanced too, I don’t get why we are only allowed to have radical viewpoints now. 😩

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I disagree with you completely on Israel, a nation I believe to be embarked upon a project of ethnic cleansing. However, this deplatforming is appalling and reflects very very poorly on U Amsterdam.

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That's an admirable and honorable take, I really appreciate that!

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Jun 6Liked by Maarten Boudry

Thank you for standing up for principles over ideology. Keep it up!

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What a wild ride. Thank you for sharing this story, and I hope academia starts to shift course to maintain intellectual freedom as one of its core values again. Thank you also for fighting the good fight.

You're probably already familiar, but if you're not you would probably appreciate this Substack. It focuses on the United States, but addresses attacks on free speech and academic freedom in some other places, as well.


Separately, I'm DM you with a story about this.

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Thanks for sharing your experience Maarten. I’m happy to hear you were at least able to have and record the conversation elsewhere!

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"The long march through the institutions" plunders onward.

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I feel the term ‘science’ gets used a bit too readily/frequently nowadays, including for political or self-serving purposes. Also, I'm cautious of blindly buying into (what I call) speculative science.

Due to increasingly common privatized research for corporate profit aims, sometimes even ‘science’ can be for sale.

Notably, questionable research results are sometimes publicly amplified if they favor the corporate product; and, conversely, accurate research results can be suppressed or ignored if they are unfavorable to business interests, even when involving human health.

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