The most successful conspiracies operate right out in the open. and use conspiracy theories to discredit inconvenient truths. An example is the conspiracy between creationist organisations and the global warming denial industry to pretend that the climate science community is a conspiracy, with the Cornwall Alliance belonging to both groups. If you don't believe me, check out Cornwall's content and statement of faith, and the cross links between contributors, board members, and fellows among Cornwall, Answers in Genesis, and the Heartland Institute. (I hope I have given you enough information to convince you that I haven't succumbed to a conspiracy theory myself.)

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It reminds me of Edgar Allan Poe's short story "The Purloined Letter," in which the titular letter is cunningly hidden in plain sight, where people would LEAST expect it!

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Yes, probably the most notable feature of psychological operations or psyops is that they are always done Hidden in Plain Sight. It's called Revelation of the Method and it works an absolute treat. It's so ironic: they tell you the truth plain as day under the propaganda and then when you call out their Emperor's New Clothes events they accuse you of "theory".


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